Lendluudpallil on alati Sigatüükas olnud enda koht. Seepärast, toimuvad ka see aasta võistlused. On olnud mõte mänge pidada, kuid siiani pole veel välja mõelnud, kuidas see täpsemalt käiks. Õppetöö ajal võiks toimuda maksimum 3 võistlust - juunis, juulis ja augustis.
- Spoiler:
Static has always had a quidditch program - we just love it here! So you can bet as soon as the teams are full enough, the games WILL begin. But you have to know how to play!
As soon as the teams are full enough, the games WILL begin. But you have to know how to play! Quidditch here is RP BASED.
In order to score, chasers must pass AT LEAST TWICE, and then score. That means three (3) posts total to score. The keepers may deflect the Quaffle after the SECOND post. I'll use Hogwarts team names.
RavieChaser1 grabbed the Quaffle right off the bat and gained possession. She made her way towards the Gryffindor goal and passed the Quaffle to one of her teammates.
RavieChaser2 caught the Quaffle and made her way to the goal. The Gryffie keeper was looking fiercely at her and she threw the Quaffle to another teammate who was closer to the goal hoops.
((Keeper could “deflect” here. Ex. GryffieKeeper saw the chasers entering the scoring zone and intercepted the Quaffle. He then passed it to one of the Gryffindor chasers down field (THIS WOULD NOT COUNT AS A PASS) This is the ONLY time a Keeper can deflect - any time after the second pass but BEFORE a goal is scored.))
She caught the Quaffle again and scored.
Keepers passing DOES NOT count towards goals.
POSSESSION: After a goal is made, the first team whose chaser posts has possession.
POSSESSION: A team possesses the quaffle UNTIL the player with the quaffle is hit by a bludger, or they attempt a score. So the only players that can cause change of possession are beaters and keepers.
IF YOU ARE HIT BY A BLUDGER - You lose possession and must wait until three posts have been made to post again.
Beaters can post at any time, but must specify which character they are aiming a bludger at. They can aim a bludger at any character.
To avoid a bludger, another player must post DIRECTLY after the beater who aimed the bludger at them. OR one of their team's beaters must hit the bludger away from their team member.
He saw the Ravenclaw chasers headed towards the goals and aimed a bludger right at RavieChaser1.
RavieChaser1 saw the bludger headed her way and swerved out of its path.
If someone else had posted before the Chaser whom the bludger was aimed at, that chaser would be unable to post for three (3) posts. The same is applicable for other players who have bludgers aimed at them. Also, RavieBeater could have posted right after GryffieBeater and defended his chaser.
STRATEGY : If a bludger is aimed at someone on your team, unless you're a beater, DON'T POST! They need to post first to avoid the bludger! But, if the bludger is aimed at the opposite team's members, POST QUICK! If you can post before them, they will be hit by the bludger.
IF YOU ARE HIT BY A BLUDGER - You must wait until three posts have been made.
STRATEGY : Let's say there are two Chasers on and their Keeper gets hit by a bludger. Post together until there are three posts - then your Keeper will be revived.
Seekers: The referee will be announcing when the Snitch has been spotted. Seekers must post once as following the snitch and once as catching the snitch. There must be ONLY ONE (1) post between the seeker spotting the snitch and the seeker catching the snitch. So, if your team is playing and the snitch is spotted by your rival team and your seeker is not online, you should post and have another team member post as well so that there are two posts after the spotting.
Ref: The snitch is centerfield, just above one of the viewing boxes.
GryffieKeeper posts.
GryffieChaser posts.
RavieChaser posts.
RavieSeeker spots the snitch!
GryffieBeater posts. (If the RavieSeeker was fast enough, he/she could post after this and 'catch' the snitch)
GryffieKeeper posts.
RavieSeeker looses sight of the snitch.
If you are posting solely as a function of blocking the snitch, you don't have to take an action (passing the quaffle, hitting a bludger). You can just RP as watching the seeker, zooming around, drooling, whatever.
ANY PLAYER can post to effect snitch catching.
BOTH seekers can try to catch the snitch. So in the example above, the GryffieSeeker can still post as spotting the snitch. Then he/she will either be blocked or catch it.
The referee will announce the beginning of the game and release the Quidditch Balls. After that, possession of the Quaffle goes to whichever team’s chaser posts first.
The referee will announce when the snitch is available for catching.
The referee will insure that integrity and fairness is maintained throughout the game.
The referee may issue penalties for dirty play/illegal moves. For examples of rough play or illegal moves, please see Quidditch Through the Ages.
YOU ABSOLUTELY CANNOT SIGN ON AS ONE OF YOUR TEAM MATES. Sharing passwords is NOT allowed. I had a game once where a seeker wasn't online when the snitch was available, so a chaser signed in under the seekers name and caught the snitch. DO NOT DO THIS. I HAVE METHODS AND I WILL CATCH YOU AND YOU WILL BE FORCED TO FORFEIT THE GAME. No exceptions. Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated.
Once you've read and understood the rules, you can see there actually is quite a bit of strategy to be had here. The key in this type of quidditch is working TOGETHER - a lot of the time, the game depends on when people post.
Multiple characters on the same team is not allowed. However, you may have one character on each team, with the caveat that during the game, your two characters MAY NOT post inn sequence with each other, ie have one character post, and then your other character right after. Your two characters may not interact (ie your beater character cannot aim a bludger at your chaser character).
Quidditch players should be active on the site! If you are not active, you will be of no use to your team.
If you play a seeker, you cannot have any of your other characters on quidditch teams (I've already emailed the seekers about this).
You can probably understand how badly this can compromise a game, and I just don't want one or two people being capable of dominating a game and swinging it whichever way they like.
The other positions (let's say someone plays a beater on one team and a chaser on the other) will have the restriction that THEIR CHARACTERS CANNOT DO ANYTHING TO EACH OTHER, ie If Celeste is a chaser for Ravenclaw and Ethan is a beater for Hufflepuff, Ethan cannot hit a bludger at Celeste, because then I (Cat) would have control over whether or not the Ravenclaws score, which I feel is sort of like God-moding in a round about way.
Allikas: http://z15.invisionfree.com/Static_Hogwarts/index.php?showtopic=35
Mängud algavad kui kõigi majade meeskonnad on täis. Lendluudpall on RP baasil. (Võibolla tulevikus mõtleb keegi geenius välja ühe hirmuäratavalt laheda mooduse)
Punktide teenimiseks peavad ajajad pommat söötma vähemalt kaks korda. See tähendab kolme postitust ühe värava jaoks. Väravavahid võivad pomma kõrvale juhtida peale teist postitust.
Näide:Ajaja 1:
Ajaja1 haaras pomma enda kätte. Ta lennutas end vastasmeeskonna väravate poole ja söötis pomma ühele enda meeskonnakaaslasele.
Ajaja 2:
Ajaja2 püüdis pomma kinni ja rajas endale tee punkti poole. Väravavaht vaatas raevukalt tema poole ja ajaja2 viskas pomma järgmisele meeskonnakaaslasele, kes oli väravatele lähemal.
((Siinkohal võib väravavaht pomma kõrvale juhtida.))
Ajaja1 püüdis pomma uuesti kinni ja viskas värava.
Väravavahi söötu ei loeta värava viskamise söötude sisse.
POMMA HOIDMINE: Kui visatakse värav, selle tiimi ajaja, kes esimesena peale seda postitab, saab palli.
POMMA HOIDMINE: Meeskonna käes on pomma nii kaua, kuni mängija kes hoiab parajasti pommat, saab pihta klommiga, või proovib väravat visata. Ainukesed mängijad kes saavad palli hoidmist vallata on tõrjujad ja väravavahid.
KUI SAAD KLOMMIGA PIHTA - Sa ei hoia enam pommat ja pead ootama vähemalt kolm postitust, enne kui võid uuesti postitada.
Tõrjujad võivad iga kell postitada, kuid peavad nimeliselt märkima ära millisele tegelasele nad klommi sihivad. Nad võivad klommi sihtida iga mängija poole.
Et klommi eest kõrvale põigata, peab sihtmärk postitama koheselt peale tõrjujat, kes klommi nende poole sihtis. Või peab teise tiimi tõrjuja klommi mängija eest ära lööma.
Tõrjuja1 nägi teise meeskonna ajajat väravate poole kihutamas ja sihtis klommi nii täpselt kui sai tema poole.
Ajaja1 nägi klommi tema poole teel ja viimasel hetkel juhtis enda luua kõrvale.
Kui keegi teine oleks postitanud enne ajajat, kelle poole klomm oli sihitud, ei oleks saanud see ajaja postitada 3 postitust. See kehtib ka kõigile teistele mängijatele, kelle poole on klomm löödud. Näiteks oleks saanud Ajaja1 meeskonna tõrjuja saanud postitada kohe peale Tõrjuja1 ja saatnud klommi enda meeskonnaliikme juurest minema.
STRATEEGIA: Kui klomm on Sinu meeskonnaliikme poole teele pandud ja sa ei ole tõrjuja, ära postita! Sihtmärk peab ise kirjutama, et klommi eest kõrvale põigata. Kuid, kui klomm on vastasmeeskonnaliikme poole saadetud, kirjuta kiiresti! Kui postitad enne neid, saavad nad klommiga pihta.
STRATEEGIA: Kui kaks ajajat on mängimas ja nende väravavaht saab klommiga pihta, postitage koos kuni saate kokku kolm postitust - siis saab väravavaht mängu tagasi.
Kohtunik teatab, kui kitut on märgatud. Püüdjad peavad korra postitama kitu tagaajamiseks, ja korra, et see kinni püüda. Nende kahe postituse vahel peab olema ainult üks postitus! Kui Sinu meeskond mängib ning vastasmeeskond asub kitut püüdma, ja Teie püüdja pole sees, peaks meeskond tegema vähemalt kaks postitust, et püüdja ei saaks kitut kinni püüda.
Kõik kasutajad saavad postitada, et mõjutada kitu teekäiku.
Mõlemad püüdjad saavad korraga proovida püüda kitut.
Kohtunik alustab mängu ja annab teada pallide mängu andmisest. Peale seda, pomma saab see võistkond, kelle mängija esimesena kirjutab.
Kohtunik annab teada, kui kitut on märgatud ja seda võib püüdma asuda.
Kohtunik peab silmas, et mängu mängitakse ausalt.
Kohtunik võib võtta maha punkte reeglite rikkumiste eest. Näiteks kasutades keelatud võtteid.
Reegleid lugedes, võid märgata, et selles on strateegiat. Mängu võitmiseks on vaja vaid üht - head koostööd. Mängu saatus tuleneb sellest, kes millal postitab.
Lendluudpalli meeskonnas olevad mängijad võiksid olla foorumis aktiivsed. Vastasel korral nad eemaldatakse võistkonnast, kuna meeskonnal poleks neist mängus kasu.
Tegelased ei saa üksteisele mängus midagi teha. Kui see oleks lubatud, oleks mängijatel kontroll mängu ja punktide üle.